Friday, March 11, 2011

Turkey Rolls

Another poultry recipe. Another simple one. This is an altered version of the typical Polish “zrazy”.
Polish cuisine is delicious, but often fatty and heavy. I prefer much lighter food, so I decided to adapt a few things.

U need (serves 4)
Two turkey fillets
4 thin slices of ham (the kind you use for sandwiches)
2 pickles
4 spoons of tomato purée
2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
Dried oregano
4 slices of cheese (any cheese you like)
2 eggs
4 spoons of oat bran
Salt & Pepper
8 toothpicks
Olive oil

How to make it

Cut each turkey fillet in half (preferably along the long side). Pound the meat evenly in order to obtain a thickness of about ½ cm. A piece of advice: if you do not want to be covered in meat pieces or make a mess, pound the meat between two pieces of foil. Season the meat with salt and pepper.
Mix the tomato purée with the chopped garlic, some salt and the dried oregano. Spread this mixture evenly over all four pieces of meat (on one side). Put a piece of ham and cheese on top of that. Cut each pickle into four long pieces and put two pieces in the middle of each turkey piece on top of the cheese. Roll the turkey and stick two toothpicks in each roll.

Take a soup plate or large bowl and beat the eggs in it. Put the oat bran on another (flat) plate. Roll the turkey rolls in the egg so that all sides are covered and then in the oat bran.
Heat up some olive oil in a frying pan and fry the rolls on each side, until the meat is done. Half way through this process, pour about 2-3 spoons of water in the pan and put a lid over it. Do not forget to keep on turning the rolls, so that they do not burn on one side. Once the water has evaporated, the turkey rolls should be ready.

Personally, I really like these with buckwheat and some buttermilk :)